Monday, June 24, 2013

4 States, 2 cars and a baby.

We were supposed to leave Chicago in the morning, break in Louisville for lunch and arrive in Nashville by dinner. Our plans changed, as often they do during a vacation and there Matt found himself at Buybuybaby. The upside is that now we are the proud owners of a convertible carseat and the downside is that we  already went through 2 rentals cars before we were finally on the road at 1pm.  This was one of two long driving days and we had hoped to arrive in Nashville while there was still light out.  One of the things I love about traveling by car is the food.  I am not referring to restaurant food but rather grocery store and minimart food, especially the selection at a Pilot gas station.  Depending on the state, you find different beverages, snacks, candy and the occasional Best of Lionel Ritchie tape, to take you back to the days of "Say you, say me." I do not buy much but I sure love to look. Anyway, the Indiana Pilot is where I found my breakfast lunch (see above photo).  
Since we were so delayed, we ended up having linner in Indianapolis at Bru Burger Bar on Massachusetts Ave. 
Matt had a sandwich that featured 10 pieces of bacon and when I asked if I could add garbanzo beans to my salad, the waiter said "sure, but they're fried."
Say what?
How lucky am I to look across the table and find these two? After lunch we walked around a bit because we felt the little mister could use some more time out of the car.
The capitol of Indiana proved to be a pleasant back on the road.
Green, lush farmland and so much corn.
When we made it to Kentucky we decided to stop for some wiggle time for the babe. As we were leaving Matt asked if I'd take a picture of him here, so of course I did!
P.S we passed several large tour buses parked inside the KFC Yum! Center and it turns out NKTOB, 98 degrees and Boys II Men were playing...brought back some memories of a cooleyhighharmony.
and at midnight we checked into our Nashville hotel.

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